Current Service Offering
Open Systems Group is a cloud-based service provider, with offices in Toronto, Ontario as well as Washington, D.C., offering cloud-based PBX services, virtual private server hosting services and shared storage. In addition to being a cloud-based service provider, Open Systems Group is also an independent software vendor, specializing in mobile applications, browser-based applications, and XML web services. As part of its applications design and development services Open Systems Group Limited also offers, security audit services, graphic design services, cloud-based PBX phone services, colocation services, systems integration services and training.
Open Systems Group leases rack space and bandwidth from business partner, Terago Networks. Terago Networks has a number of data centre locations across Canada, including one in Vaughan, Ontario.
Our History
Open Systems Group Limited began operations on March 15, 1999, as an independent software vendor, offering browser-based, application design and development services, graphic design services, colocations services, systems integration services and training services to mid-size businesses and large enterprises. In 2003, Open Systems Group signed on as a Microsoft certified business partner, specializing in the development of browser-based applications and XML web services based on the MS .NET technology.
Today, Open Systems Group has three years of experience in the development of mobile device applications. Open Systems Group also has over fifteen years of experience in the design and development of browser-based applications, relational databases and XML web services.
For more than a decade, Open Systems Group has built a solid track record of integrating real world solutions to solve business problems. Open Systems Group takes a value added approach using proven methodologies and technologies, including the Microsoft .NET technology and the open source IDEs. Today's businesses cannot afford the productivity sinkholes caused by operating islands of technology that do not work together. Open Systems Group works to bring the pieces together in what is known as ubiquitous computing.
Open Systems Group's client base includes auto dealerships with multiple locations, manufacturers, employment agencies, independent software vendors, financial services firms, advertising agencies, public relations firms and many other mid-sized and large enterprises.
Why Choose Open Systems Group?
At the heart of Open Systems Group's approach is the company's close working relationship with its clients to understand its clients' unique challenges and opportunities. Open Systems Group appreciates that today's businesses want a solution to a problem and not just a "drop ship" from a truck that stops just long enough to make the delivery.
Open Systems Group consistently meets and exceeds client expectations by developing a clear and compelling business case to a particular problem. In many scenarios Open Systems Group can provide a quotation up front so the client knows in advance what the proposed solution will cost, and how much money the proposed solution can potentially save.
Open Systems Group Limited also practices what is known as 'down-the-road' thinking. In that regard Open Systems Group Limited works closely with a client to understand the probable future changes in the client's business practices and the way that customers interact with their company -- either via the telephone or a browser-based portal application. Open Systems Group Limited ensures that the communications portals (voice or data) are flexible enough to handle the client's needs now, and in the future.